Summer Vacation? #SOL15
As I contemplated setting my alarm for 4 am to be able to write my Slice (I didn't- writing this at 5:20 am instead), I am thinking about what I've been doing so far on my "summer vacation": I co-facilitated the Long Island Writing Project Summer Institute for 8 days (9am-4pm) Reading Jen Serravallo's Reading Strategies as part of a Voxer book club. Read A Handful of Stars as part of a writing about reading book club and participated in the Twitter chat. Rereading Fish in a Tree as a small group thinking about writing about reading for an upcoming Twitter chat. Read Digital Reading: What's Essential in Grades 3-8 as part of #cyberPD and Twitter chat tonight. Trying to read a #bookaday to keep up with the blog I created for reading, Writing my first post for our Two Writing Teachers blog series and thinking of ideas for the rest of the August posts I will need to write. Participating in a 4 day worksho...