Choosing Kind #SOL15
"Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person. There have been so many stories about the lack of courtesy, the impatience of today's world, road rage and even restaurant rage. Sometimes, all it takes is one kind word to nourish another person. Think of the ripple effect that can be created when we nourish someone. One kind empathetic word has a wonderful way of turning into many." -Mr. Rogers I've been overwhelmed with sadness at many of the stories I've been reading on Facebook. Humans of New York has been featuring stories of the refugees in Syria and they are absolutely horrifying and heartbreaking. I can't even fathom what other human beings are experiencing. I read updates from Ana Marquez-Greene's family and am just astounded by their grace and courage, but their loss is so stunning in its' sadness that I am filled with despair that...