#SOL16 Farewell to My OLW
"Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold.
Happiness dwells in the soul."
My 2016 One Little Word was Happy. 2015 ended in a very sad way with the loss of my Grandmother (GG), but she was a happy person who loved to make others happy and the word felt right. As 2016 sputters and gasps to the finish line, taking many beloved icons with it (Florence Henderson! George Michael! Almost Carrie Fisher...), I am getting ready to share my 2017 OLW.
While "happy" won't be my word of the year, it will still be an overarching goal to keep in my life. As a teacher, happiness is too often overlooked. Our students should feel happy at school- not bored or anxious. I need to look for ways to make their days happier- and mine too.
Happiness is an important goal for my family and personal life as well. How often do I check in with friends who make me smile and laugh? How often do I take time to send my husband a funny text during the day? Do I look for opportunities to build happiness into my children's days? Do I find activities that bring me joy and take me out of work mode?
Life is uncertain and often frightening. We don't know how long the good times will last- how long before the other shoe drops, the diagnosis is given, the phone call you dread comes. Life is also joyous and full of miracles. "Happy" might feel far away or hard to find, but it's worth finding the happy when you can...the first sip of coffee in the morning, your child's belly laugh, a soft scarf, a new tv show to watch (I've become hooked on This Is Us...).
Here's to Happy and to looking forward to my new OLW....which I will share on Two Writing Teachers on January 7th. What was your OLW this year? Did it serve you well? Have you selected your word for 2017?
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